Untamed & a sparkling mani to match! ✨

Who else has read Glennon Doyle’s new goodie?


I LOVED Love Warrior and though this is quite a different style of writing (more vignette than more straightforward chronological memoir storytelling), I’m loving this one too!

The way she sees the world is so wondrous. I continue to love her honesty (esp with herself) and willingness to share the messy.

I keep telling friends that’s it’s kinda like a cool sip of water –– when I’m chewing on what she’s written with a “hmmm” 🤔 and when I’m nodding along like, “DAMN SHE NAILED IT!” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m reading it slowly and would so recommend.

This is one of my favorite manis this past year too! 4 coats of goldie glitter to make it solid and v shiny (and also a complete horror to get off by the end of the week)