Pt 1: Down But Not Out

A tale in 4 parts

I went off the grid in Jan 2020 because my life went upside down on purpose & then upside down again… not on purpose. Here’s a little of what was going on while I was going through.

One of the (few) things I know to be true – our most challenging times are our most growth filled times and this time around is no different.

If you are in an ouch season, remember… this too shall pass and when it does, you will be wiser, stronger, and more resilient than you have ever been before.


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So I’ve been more quiet these past few months. I’m ready to finally spill all my beans.

I: Busy moving
II: Wanted to keep it on the hush until feet were found to fill the shoes I was leaving behind.
III: Sicker than I’ve ever been in my life and plans completely exploding in my face making it hard to explain to loved ones asking “so what’s the plan?” when you frankly don’t know because you’re 100% concentrated on just getting out of bed by yourself.

So here is a long over due update from your usually wears-her-heart-on her-sleeve turned suddenly-semi-mute friend.

I moved out of my dream apartment in Hermosa Beach. No no, not like yesterday. I’ve been couch surfing since New Years (more on that disaster in PT 3) and actually have been packing up my life since just after Thanksgiving.

El Paso, TX was my given childhood home, but Hermosa Beach was my (first) chosen adult home. Almost 4 years ago when I was at my wits end with LA traffic and LA concrete and LA people I just didn’t vibe with (the kind who lay on the horn 5 times before breakfast, you know the ones), I stumbled upon the South Bay. It was a paradise and the everyone-knows-everyone community where you could walk everywhere and the grocer knew your name (and probably blood type too) kind of place. I’ll never forget the day I moved in and how I marveled at the neighbors who popped out of their back doors one by one to come introduce themselves. I told everyone I thought it was home for a little while because “Oh my gosh, the people are nice like in Texas!” And home it was.

I woke up to a sliver of ocean dancing in my bedroom window and went to bed to the sound of the waves. The sand was steps away. My landlord charged us an ungodly low amount to live snuggled between millionaires (billionaires?) and let me park in his garage and use his laundry machine FOR FREE.

I’m a fairly joyful person. I think I always have been. But oh my gosh, I laughed so hard in that apartment with Mackenzie (thank you Craigslist) that I think it more than doubled the amount I had laughed in my entire life up to that point combined.

I grew up.

Got dumped.

Got abs.

Made friends.

Went on some bad dates. (Okay a ton of bad dates.)

And some good ones!

Went to Tower 12. A lot. (“Skinny marg. Fat fries. And yes please to the salt on both!”)

Almost got a dog on more than one occasion. Faced fears. Got a big girl raise. And even learned how to recycle (thank you Mackenz!) all in Apartment 211.

I was aware while living there that these were those “best days of our lives” that that song was talking about and I knew even while smack dab in the middle of them that I’d probably always miss them when it was all over.

Photo taken my very last night in the apartment from our beach access at Tower 28 ✨