2020 Mantra

✨You are always exactly where you’re supposed to be… even if it doesn’t feel like it at first.

✨You are always exactly where you’re supposed to be… even if it doesn’t feel like it at first.

If there’s anything this year has taught me so far, it’s that.

When I felt like my whole world went topsy turvy for the umpteenth time with my big Frenchie trip canceled *again* in February, a Willy Wonka golden ticket fell out of the sky.

It was like the wind had been knocked out of me, constantly suppressing the urge to scream “BUT I’M SUPPOSED TO BE IN FRANCE!!!” *until* a few friends going to a conference for creatives in Palm Springs excitedly emailed me that though tickets for @altsummit were almost $1,000, the event team needed last minute help and that I should apply. I got it and was given a speaker room to run, a ticket + 1 free day to frolic.

On my day off, I rushed to a session where this girl right here, @coachingwitherin, and @yayfortoday_ were giving a talk on brand partnerships and building an authentic community. They had such insanely wise, actionable advice drenched in honesty and positivity.

After it wrapped up, I walked out of the room and I don’t know why, but turned around and went back in. I found myself in line to meet Erin.

That one conversation turned into a coaching session the next day which turned into months of encouragement via DMs & her IG Stories. All of a sudden there was someone cheering me on and helping me through all my questions/doubts. It’s so funny to me now that a complete stranger is now one of the highlights of this very odd year.

I hear a lot of “count 2020 a total loss” talk. But even though my heart got broken in more ways than one, I can look back and see that I was supposed to be in Palm Springs and meet someone who would shake out B.S. lies/excuses/fears I’ve been unable to overcome on my own FOR YEARS.

And it applies to the rest of it ––

I was supposed to be back in El Paso getting quality time with my family that I might never have gotten again in my life had this year not happened.

I was supposed to be handed this huge chunk of time being pretty stuck at home to start scratching at the surface, seeking what I actually want to be spending my “one wild & precious life” doing.