An Open Letter to the Friends Who Carried Me Through

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This photo is fun. But these past few months have not been. (Which is okay, the growing ones rarely are!) ✨

I like it because I looked and felt like me again here.

Not sick or lonely or conflicted or insecure or seriously in need of a helping hand —

To pack the boxes, to let me sleep over at their houses when I was couch surfing for a month, to sit in traffic to bring me soup, to talk me through the tough decisions, to keep me entertained with texts and calls, to remind me I’m invited, to also remind me I’m missed, to encourage me through every re-route and bump in the road (and by bump I mean complete explosion of the road), to welcome me home with open arms, to push me to fly off again.

And mostly — to remind me who the heck I am when I don’t feel like her right now.

Grateful for the friendship & family-ship (that’s a thing!) I’ve been shown by so many near and far doesn’t cut it, but it’s all I’ve got.